Sunday, March 21, 2010

My first blog post

Initially, I wanted to start a blog to track my weight loss progress. After the birth of my dear son, I got a little chubby... er, well.. fat. And I thought that putting my fatness out there for the world to see would motivate me to get off my bum and get to work. (Not that I need a lot more motivation after my dear, dear sister-in-law Leanne posted a picture of a box of Hefty trash bags on my facebook profile. In addition to a picture of a morbidly obese woman in slinky lingerie. She really is a good person. I promise.)

Then I decided I also wanted to blog about other things in my life. Like my sexy husband, my crazy cult of children, my friends, the 3 F's- food, fashion & football (not that I know anything about any of those subjects), and ya know... people I don't like. All the normal things good southern girls talk about.

I had to come up with a name & I decided upon The Snob Chronicles because through-out my entire life, for reasons completely beyond my realm of understanding, people have always thought of me as a snob. I am really not sure where this idea comes from. I don't know if it's because I am quiet and regal (ha!) or if people are just jealous of my extreme sexiness. But I figure I should go ahead & if not embrace it, at least poke fun at the idea. So, here I am.

1 comment:

  1. Yet again you have neglected to mention that you asked me to be mean to you. Obviously it worked
